Friday, August 22, 2008

It once was blue

It once was blue this precious globe that came from near Elvisville.I cared for it & watched it close when the travel it did go.When Francis,Charlie then Ivan stirred the wind nearby.I guarded this object with all my might.You see this globe was bought by the pretty lady that now holds the nail scared hands in a place not near this sinful place.So to move on with this story i took the blue one under one arm then the silver.The Roz & i spied the bushes near the steps to put them there while the Fay done came our way.And the what that i did do. I who held everything my Mary touched so close to my chest.I the poet broke it banging it upon the steps IIIIIIIIIIII DID sandyfooted poet

1 comment:

Lainey said...

You broke it? bummer!