Saturday, September 27, 2008

if i could

I saw a movie tonight and Dolly sang at the ending soundtrack.If i could do it all again.I would of took more walks with hands a holdin.I would of talked a whole lot less and listened a whole lot more.I would of learned to do the choirs or at least tryed to help.I would hoped for a fast foward from 12/08/02 to aug 04 then the guilt would not lay upon my soul at tymes like this.A body form that stayed near me was prayed away sometyme in May.This guilt now that comes sometymes is not allowed to stay anymore.A staying here with sand in my shoes would still be okay for the one i miss the most would love to be just here.I would not have cast off from shore and left my blood to fend for themselves.I would not of put my name upon the the paper to take her home from the bloodline.When i golf and hit away i wish i could call it back.But alas its all the past and the past can not be even changed.One thing i say for shore as i feel the mist depart.The broom would still be jumped on the boat that night in the gulf of mexico.And the hd ring put in the bottle would still be cast upon the water.I would not change a thing of this new life i say this from my heart. sandy footed poet

1 comment:

Lainey said...

Beautiful writing....from the heart!